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Selective Highlighting
First read through the entire text. As you reread, highlight main ideas and key vocabulary, but be careful to only highlight what is most important (not the entire sentence!). After highlighting, use what you have highlighted to write a paragraph summarizing what you have read.
Clarifying Confusion
Begin reading the text, and use the following strategies if you begin to have difficulty understanding:
  • Think about what you have already read
  • Go back and read again
  • Change your pace- slow down or speed up
  • Connect the ideas to something you have learned before
  • Visualize what is being described
Follow these steps when making sense of word problems in math:
  1. Survey the problem- Read the problem. What is information is important? What is not? What is the problem asking you to do?
  2. Question- Ask yourself what the question is asking you. Should you estimate, calculate, graph, reason etc.?
  3. Read the problem again- Focus on the details. What parts of the problem relate to each other? In what form should the answer be?
  4. Question- What steps will be needed to solve? What order should you apply those steps? Create and write down a solving strategy.
  5. Compute- Follow through with your solving strategy.
  6. Question- Review your steps. Is your answer reasonable? Do you need to rework the problem?
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